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CTAN Update: mf2pt1

Date: November 28, 2020 7:50:34 PM CET
Scott Pakin submitted an update to the mf2pt1 package. Version: 2.6 2020-11-27 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1 Announcement text:
mf2pt1 facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts from a Metafont source file. mf2pt1's advantage over tools such as TeXtrace and mftrace is that it does not rely on bitmap tracing and therefore can produce higher-quality Type 1 fonts than trace-based tools. The catch is that mf2pt1 imposes a number of restrictions on the Metafont input so it is not, as the name may imply, an automatic converter of arbitrary Metafont fonts to Type 1 format. Starting with version 2.6, mf2pt1 no longer automatically generates a unique ID for the font. Unique IDs frustrate reproducible builds of fonts; mf2pt1 generated such IDs randomly, implying that there was no guarantee of uniqueness; and Adobe has declared that unique IDs are no longer necessary (see, e.g., https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/UniqueID.html). In addition, a large number of external links in the mf2pt1 documentation have been updated to point to current locations.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/mf2pt1 The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/support/mf2pt1/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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mf2pt1 – Convert stylized to PostScript Type 1

mf2pt1 is a Perl script that facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts from a source file. It is not, as the name may imply, an automatic converter of arbitrary fonts to Type 1 format. mf2pt1 imposes a number of restrictions on the input. If these restrictions are met, mf2pt1 will produce valid Type 1 output with more accurate control points than can be reverse-engineered by trace, mftrace, and other programs which convert bitmaps to outline fonts.

Copyright2005–2024 Scott Pakin
MaintainerScott Pakin



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