CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN upload notification: ragged2e v2.00

Date: January 28, 2003 9:54:02 PM CET
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 Martin Schröder submitted: > Name of contribution: ragged2e v2.00 > Suggested location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/ms/ > Summary description: A new improved version of ragged2e > License type: Free > > Announcement text: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > This version fixes some (hopefully all) bugs and introduces some new features. > The bugs had to do with the handling of \spaceskip and \xspaceskip; this has been completely redesigned. > The new features are new options for setting the complete document, all footnotes and all parboxes raggedright. The new version also incorporates the raggedr package. Thanks for the update. Following the upload instructions, I replaced the files ragged2e.dtx ragged2e.ins and removed the files ragged2e.asc ragged2e.bug ragged2e.dvi The updated xml entry follows: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE entry SYSTEM "../catalogue.dtd"> <entry id="ragged2e" datestamp="2003/01/28" modifier="martin at oneiros.de"> <about> <name>ragged2e</name> <caption> Defines \Centering, \RaggedLeft, and \RaggedRight, and corresponding environments. </caption> <author> <name>Martin Schr&#246;der</name> <email>martin at oneiros.de</email> </author> <license type="lppl"/> <version> <number>2.00</number> <released>2003/01/28</released> </version> <xref refid="everysel"/> </about> <description> <abstract> A LaTeX package which defines new commands \Centering, \RaggedLeft, and \RaggedRight and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation. </abstract> </description> <distribution> <ctan>macros/latex/contrib/supported/ms</ctan> <texlive>latexextra</texlive> </distribution> </entry> For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf

ms – Various packages by Martin Schröder

This was a bundle of packages by Martin Schröder. All packages of that bundle have now become independent packages.

Here the list of the packages previously being a part of the bundle:

MaintainerMartin Schröder (inactive)



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