CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN has a new package: xfrac

Date: April 6, 2004 4:56:18 PM CEST
A new package has been installed at tug.ctan.org and is making its way to your favorite mirror. Thanks for the upload, Jim Hefferon ====================================================================== The following information was provided by the package's contributor. Name of contribution: xfrac Author's name: Morten H�gholm Author's email: moho01ab at student.cbs.dk Location on CTAN: macros/latex/exptl/xfrac Summary description: experimental/extended fractions License type: lppl Announcement text given by the package's contributor: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a prototype implementation of xfrac; a package designed for producing visually pleasing split level fractions for arbitrary fonts. It's experimental and requires experimental code. See the README for more details. - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can have a look at the package at http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/exptl/xfrac although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror of CTAN that is near to you; see http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors

xfrac – Split-level fractions

This package uses the interface defined by templates to provide flexible split-level fractions via the \sfrac macro. This is both a demonstration of the power of the template concept and also a useful addition to the available functionality in .

Version 2024-06-04
Copyright2004, 2008–2010 Morten Høgholm
2011, 2012, 2014–2024 The 3 Project
MaintainerMorten Høgholm
The Project Team
Lars Madsen
Will Robertson
Joseph Wright



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