CTAN submission: TeXCad32
Date: November 27, 2003 9:49:44 AM CET
----- Forwarded message from Peter Furlan -----
I've uploaded version 4.3.3 of the program TeXCad32 to
I suggest to create a directory systems/win32/texcad32 for it.
TeXCad32 is under the LPPL.
TeXCad32 is a clone of the DOS program Texcad running under
Windows from Win95. It is desined to create mathematical drawings
with as much WYSIWYG as possible.
The output consists either of Emtex-specials or of postscript
elements for lines/circles together with LaTeX texts in a picture-
environment. Via postscript-pdf conversion also pdflatex is
Examples are found on the homepage
Best regards and thanks for your work
Peter Furlan
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I'm sorry for the delay but I finally installed this
in CTAN:graphics/texcad32 next to graphics/tktexcad and graphics/xtexcad.
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team