Suggestions for unicode-math-input
The following packages have something in common with the package unicode-math-input. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
- unicodefonttable: A Unicode font table generator
- lualatex-math: Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- hep-math: Extended math macros
- unicode-alphabets: Macros for using characters from Unicode’s Private Use Area
- commonunicode: Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
- kfupm-math-exam: A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
- euxunicode: Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
- euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
- newunicodechar: Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
- xcjk2uni: Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX
- ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX
- semantex: Semantic, keyval-based mathematics
- ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
- flexisym: Symbol manipulation for breqn
- semtex: Deals with stripped SemanTeX documents
- smart-eqn: Automatic math symbol styling for LaTeX documents
- numerica: Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
- longdivision: Typesets long division
- diffcoeff: Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
- derivative: Nice and easy derivatives
- rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
- moremath: Additional commands for typesetting maths
- numbersets: Display number sets with customizable typefaces
- cascade: Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
- create-theorem: Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
- keytheorems: An l3keys interface to amsthm
- minim-math: Extensive maths for LuaTeX
- latex-uni8: Universal inputenc, fontenc, and babel for pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- uspace: Giving meaning to various Unicode space characters
- unisc: Unicode small caps with Lua/XeLaTeX