Suggestions for text2bib
The following packages have something in common with the package text2bib. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- bsr2dvi: Convert a TeXtures working file to DVI
- fig2eng: Convert fig files to English
- tex2ltx: AMS-TeX to AMS-LaTeX converter
- ltx2mathml: Convert LaTeX math to MathML
- smartunits: Converting between common metric and Imperial units
- ot2woff: OpenType to Woff converter
- woff2ot: Woff to OpenType converter
- lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units
- unitconv: Convert a length into one with another unit
- conv-xkv: Create new key-value syntax
- olsak-misc: Collection of plain TeX macros written by Petr Olšák
- ruler: A typographic ruler for TeX
- acroreloadpdf: Reload-the-current-PDF utility for Adobe Reader on Unix systems
- style-showcase: Make a web page to compare styles
- vvcode: Reliable encoder for binary files via email
- lug: Create and edit TeX Local User Group web pages
- sc21-wg1: Title page for the old ISO TC97/SC21/WG1 working group
- sc21: Title page for the old ISO TC97/SC21 committee
- calendarweek: Calculate the week number of a date
- epigram: Display short quotations
- kbordermatrix: LaTeX version of \bordermatrix
- ltxmisc: Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc
- quotation: Typeset an attributed quotation
- tabto-generic: "Tab" to a measured position in the line
- winlatex: FrontEnd for TeX, Win98/NT, needs Microsoft VisualBasic-DLLs
- arabic: Read a lower-case roman number
- backgrnd: Mark text with grey background or change bar
- chessmin: Minimal chess diagrams
- dow: Calculate day of week from a numeric date
- endnote: Generic "endnotes" code
- emtrees: Draw labelled trees, using emTeX \specials