Suggestions for techexplorer
The following packages have something in common with the package techexplorer. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- latexrender: Use LaTeX in PHP programs
- mimetex: Parse LaTeX math expressions and emit gif or xbitmaps
- mathtex: A CGI program to use LaTeX to put mathematics on the web
- eqmlite: TeX system and PDF support for Linux and OS/2
- eq2db: Convert a quiz to one submitted to a server-side script
- figput: Create interactive figures in LaTeX
- source2e: LaTeX2ε kernel documentation for the entire system as one document
- latex-essential: Essential information for writing LaTeX documents
- simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
- ltnews: The latest LaTeX news
- cfgguide: Documentation of LaTeX configuration options
- cyrguide: Documentation of LaTeX Cyrillic-alphabet features
- clsguide: Documentation of LaTeX class and package writing
- encguide: Documentation of LaTeX font encodings
- fntguide: Docmentation of LaTeX font commands
- latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
- modguide: The rules about modifying LaTeX
- usrguide: User-mode documentation for LaTeX
- latex-doc: Documentation supplied as part of the LaTeX distribution
- latex-lab: LaTeX laboratory
- latex-lab-dev: LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
- latexbug: Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
- duerer-latex: LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
- first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners
- latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation
- latex-info: Unofficial reference manual for LaTeX
- nag: Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
- namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX
- ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts
- pandora-latex: LaTeX support for the Pandora fonts
- punk-latex: LaTeX support for punk fonts