Suggestions for sauter
The following packages have something in common with the package sauter. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- cm-mf: Sources of the Computer Modern fonts
- cmoutlines: Outline versions of the Computer Modern fonts
- cm-mf-opt-kern: Improve the kerning of CM fonts
- xcmr: A crossed-out version of Computer Modern
- cm-mf-extra-bold: Extra METAFONT files for CM
- bbm: "Blackboard-style" cm fonts
- cmtiup: Upright punctuation with CM italic
- gray: Fonts for gray-scales
- util-half: A half-tone font
- cm: Computer Modern fonts
- ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
- cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
- sansmathfonts: Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts
- cmtest: CM fonts test sources
- cm-afm: Adobe Font Metrics for the CM fonts
- cm-tfm: Metric files for the Computer Modern fonts
- aifont: Remap Computer Modern fonts
- cmslup: Upright punctuation with CM slanted
- cm-pk: PK bitmaps of the Computer Modern fonts
- cm-gf: Generate GF format for CM
- cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
- zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
- variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts
- cmoefont: Old English glyphs to go with Computer Modern
- cmpica: A Computer Modern Pica variant
- duerer: Computer Duerer fonts
- hershey: Experiments with the Hershey fonts
- malvern: A sans-serif font family
- concrete: Concrete Roman fonts
- pandora: The Pandora font family
- type1ec: Permit EC, TC and LH fonts at arbitrary sizes