Suggestions for psrip
The following packages have something in common with the package psrip. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- pssplit: Select pages from PostScript files
- impose: PostScript imposition and support utilities
- ps_view: A PostScript previewer of PostScript files
- ps2eps: Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript
- aurora: Header files for dvips to make colour separations
- ps_conv: A converter from PostScript to Encapsulated PostScript
- psmerge: Concatenate PostScript files
- psutils: PostScript utilities
- bbfig: Calculate and print bounding box
- hp2xx: HP GL converter
- pstoedit: Translate PostScript and PDF to other formats
- eps2pdf: A Win32 GUI EPS to PDF convertor
- fragmaster: Using psfrag with pdfLaTeX
- psfixbb: Correct the bounding box of a PostScript file
- psfragger: Use psfrag and LaTeX to label an eps file
- pbm2tex: Translate PBM format to LaTeX
- qfig: DOS graphics program
- wmf2epsc: Windows metafile conversion
- wmf2eps: Windows metafile conversion
- pdflatexpicscale: Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
- jpeg2ps-os2: JPEG to PostScript converter for OS/2
- cep: Compression tools for PostScript
- tif2eps: A PostScript program for converting TIFF files to EPS
- mirr: PostScript mirror header (for dvips)
- tex-ps: TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
- t1utils: Simple Type 1 font manipulation programs
- fontload: A partial font downloading utility
- t1infos: Utilities for PostScript fonts
- t1tools: Facilities for handling Adobe Type 1 fonts
- ghostscript: Freely available PostScript interpreter
- mif2xfig: Conversion between Frame Maker and Xfig