Suggestions for plfonts
The following packages have something in common with the package plfonts. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- plpsfont: Polish extension of CM fonts in Type 1 format
- antp: Antykwa Półtawskiego: a Type 1 family of Polish traditional type
- pl-mf: Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
- antt: Antykwa Toruńska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type
- tapir: A simple geometrical font
- qfonts: PostScript (Adobe Type 1) fonts in QX layout
- cc-pl: Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
- mex: Polish formats for TeX
- plhyph: Hyphenation for Polish
- babel-polish: Babel support for Polish
- lshort-polish: Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
- utf8mex: Tools to produce formats that read Polish language input
- ogonek: Support for Polish typography and the ogonek
- polski: Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
- glossaries-polish: Polish language module for glossaries package
- pmdpl: Examples from "Praca magisterska i dyplomowa"
- datetime2-polish: Polish language module for the datetime2 package
- tex-virtual-academy-pl: TeX usage web pages, in Polish
- luavlna: Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
- cid: Fonts defined by character identifier
- wncyr: University of Washington cyrillic fonts
- gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
- clara: A serif font family
- ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
- stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
- aboensis: A late medieval OpenType cursive font
- lobster2: Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
- librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- marcellus: Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
- archivo: The Archivo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- arvo: The Arvo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX