Suggestions for pdfbook
The following packages have something in common with the package pdfbook. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- jmakepdfx: A Java interface to Ghostscript to convert PDF to PDF/X
- convbkmk: Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
- pdfcrop: Crop PDF graphics
- pdfbook2: Create booklets from PDF files
- pdfxup: Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
- pdfjam: Shell scripts interfacing to pdfpages
- lectureslides: Combine single PDF files into one file
- pdfpagediff: Find difference between two PDF's
- mkstmp_pro: Provides a simple workflow for creating custom stamps
- pdfarticle: Class for pdf publications
- xbmks: Create a cross-document bookmark tree
- pdfprivacy: A LaTeX package to remove or suppress pdf meta-data
- datepicker-pro: Create a popup datepicker using SWF
- acroreloadpdf: Reload-the-current-PDF utility for Adobe Reader on Unix systems
- style-showcase: Make a web page to compare styles
- vvcode: Reliable encoder for binary files via email
- lug: Create and edit TeX Local User Group web pages
- latable: A near-WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX tables
- ant-worker-tasks: Apache ANT Tasks for TeX and PDF
- csvtolatex: Link spread sheets to LaTeX
- datatooltk: A Java GUI for preparing datatool input
- wsuipa2tipa: Translate wsuipa font commands into tipa font commands
- flatex: Flatten \input, etc., in a LaTeX file
- artex: Make filecontents environments of non-standard files or packages
- bbfig: Calculate and print bounding box
- bibex: Automatic extraction of references from BibTeX databases
- glosstex: Prepare glossaries in LaTeX
- autoview: Maintain a Ghostscript view of emacs buffer
- adhocfilelist: ‘\listfiles’ entries from the command line
- acroweb: Scripts to create interactive tests from a database
- arraymaker: A program for making LaTeX and xypic arrays