Suggestions for pcfonts
The following packages have something in common with the package pcfonts. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- hebtex: Support for Hebrew and other right-to-left languages
- redis: A Hebrew font
- cjhebrew: Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
- arabtex: Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
- hebrew-fonts: Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
- culmus: Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project
- makor2: Typeset pointed Hebrew using Omega
- nahuatl: Render nahuatl glyphs
- croatian: Fonts for Croatian Glagolitic and other Croatian scripts
- vispeech: Using Bell's Visible Speech alphabet
- cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
- casyl: Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
- montex: Mongolian LaTeX
- sanskrit: Sanskrit support
- marvosym: Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font
- gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
- yinit-as: Additions to Yannis Haralambous' Old German decorative initials
- cm-mf: Sources of the Computer Modern fonts
- sansmathfonts: Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts
- cmoefont: Old English glyphs to go with Computer Modern
- cmpica: A Computer Modern Pica variant
- duerer: Computer Duerer fonts
- hershey: Experiments with the Hershey fonts
- malvern: A sans-serif font family
- concrete: Concrete Roman fonts
- pandora: The Pandora font family
- aramaic-serto: Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
- newcomputermodern: Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
- eurotex: Multilingual macros for Plain TeX
- hyphen-accent: LaTeX 2.09 code for using DC fonts
- cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology