Suggestions for mf2tex
The following packages have something in common with the package mf2tex. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- pictexwd: A patched version of PiCTeX using fewer registers
- m-pictex: Enable PiCTeX to run with LaTeX
- tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size
- tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions
- pst-fit: Macros for curve fitting
- easing: Easing functions for pgfmath
- hobby: An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ
- pst-intersect: Compute intersections of arbitrary curves
- tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
- tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page
- milsymb: LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
- pst-ovl: Create and manage graphical overlays
- combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations
- gradback: Gradient backgrounds for dvips output
- gmp: Enable integration between METAPOST pictures and LaTeX
- mparrows: METAPOST module with different types of arrow heads
- dvipscol: Alter the usage of the dvips colour stack
- bmpsize: Extract size and resolution data from bitmap files
- grfext: Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
- hilowres: Support high and low resolution versions of same picture
- thematicpuzzle: Horizontal banners in a puzzle style
- miniltx: An abstract of LaTeX facilities for use with Plain TeX
- ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator
- mpedit: METAPOST text editor for Win32
- trans: A simple TeX macro package for PostScript transformations
- testeq: An equality test for use in METAPOST
- metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for METAPOST
- utfsym: Provides various Unicode symbols
- emojicite: Add emojis to citations
- hershey-mp: METAPOST support for the Hershey font file format
- mpostinl: Embed METAPOST figures within LaTeX documents