Suggestions for lua-alt-getopt
The following packages have something in common with the package lua-alt-getopt. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- lua-uca: Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
- lualibs: Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
- l3sys-query: System queries for LaTeX using Lua
- light-latex-make: llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
- texfindpkg: Query or install TeX packages and their dependencies
- pmxchords: Produce chord information to go with pmx output
- cluttex: An automation tool for running LaTeX
- luatex85: pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
- luapackageloader: Allow LuaTeX to load external Lua packages
- luacode: Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
- ucharcat: Implementation of the (new in 2015) XeTeX \Ucharcat command in lua, for LuaTeX
- tsvtemplate: Apply a template to a tsv file
- nodetree: Visualize node lists in a tree view
- ctanbib: Export CTAN entries to bib format
- texblend: Compile segments of LaTeX documents
- texlogsieve: Filter and summarize LaTeX log files
- digestif: Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc
- luaimageembed: Embed images as base64-encoded strings
- lualatex-platform: Load platform-specific code into LuaTeX
- luabibentry: Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body
- arraymaker: A program for making LaTeX and xypic arrays
- meper: METAPOST editor and previewer
- check: A syntax checker and tidier
- dosepsbin: Deal with DOS binary EPS files
- newcommand: Generate new LaTeX command definitions
- orderrefs: Sort bibliography in LaTeX document by order of citation
- orderer: Order references in a TeX file
- tex2tok: Convert a TeX source file into tokens
- hp2pl: Create TeX PL files from HP AutoFont Support
- ttf2tex: Use TrueType fonts with teTeX
- texdef: Display the definitions of TeX commands