Suggestions for knuth-local
The following packages have something in common with the package knuth-local. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- knuth-base: The current state of Knuth's contributions
- colordvi: Simple colour use in Plain TeX
- knuth-dist: The current state of Knuth's contributions
- knuth-lib: Core TeX and METAFONT sources from Knuth
- mfware: Supporting tools for use with METAFONT
- gen: Genealogy symbols
- picmac: A picture mode in Plain TeX
- knuth-letter: Knuth’s example letter macros
- knuth-hint: HINT collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
- knuth-pdf: PDF collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
- web: The original literate programming system
- tex: A sophisticated typesetting engine
- dvitype: Type out the content of a DVI file
- tex--xet: Bidirectional extension of TeX
- knuth-errata: Knuth’s published errata
- mfbook: The source of The METAFONTbook
- texware: Utility programs for use with TeX
- texbook: The source of The TeXbook
- tangle: Generate compilable source from web
- vfware: Tools for virtual font metrics
- weave: Generate TeX source from web
- metafont: A system for specifying fonts
- monster: Obsolete name for Frankenstein
- diagrams: A CTAN collection of diagram macro packages
- dktools: Tools and libraries by Dirk Krause
- book-examples: A collection of examples from published TeX-related books
- ms: Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schröder
- mh: Stub for the (old) ‘mh’ bundle
- eijkhout: Victor Eijkhout's packages
- urw: URW free font support
- was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt