Suggestions for gentabtex
The following packages have something in common with the package gentabtex. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- tab4tex: Preprocessor for LaTeX tabular environments
- maketable: Convert Word or Excel tables to TeX tabular structures
- wichura-table: Table macros for plain TeX (and LaTeX)
- cals: Multipage tables with wide range of features
- ltablex: Table package extensions
- xtab: Break tables across pages
- nox: Adaptable tables
- booktabs: Publication quality tables in LaTeX
- stabular: Multipage tabular
- tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars
- supertabular: A multi-page tables package
- longtable: Allow tables to flow over page boundaries
- xltabular: Longtable support with possible X-column specifier
- table-fct: Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph
- bigtable: Multi-page tables in Plain TeX
- bigtabular: Tabulars that can split at page boundaries
- longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages
- hvdashln: Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars
- ltxtable: Longtable and tabularx merge
- decision-table: An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
- topiclongtable: Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically
- tabularray: Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
- tblr-extras: Extra libraries for tabularray for caption and babel compatibility
- btable: Bordered tables
- cellular: Cellular table construction
- easytable: A simple package for writing tables
- mdwtab: A reimplementation of tabular and array environments
- slashbox: Both column and row headings in a tabular cell
- stables: Simplified Plain TeX tables
- tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment
- tables: Tables without the need for a preamble