Suggestions for esint-type1
The following packages have something in common with the package esint-type1. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- mathabx-type1: Outline version of the mathabx fonts
- ulsy-ps: Extra mathematical characters in Adobe Type 1 format
- esint: Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
- mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
- yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
- pandora-type1: The Pandora font family
- fdsymbol: A maths symbol font
- old-arrows: Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads
- mdsymbol: Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
- stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
- amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
- yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format
- ethiop-t1: Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
- hfbright: The hfbright fonts
- indic-type1: Indic Type 1 fonts converted from public METAFONT sources
- stix2-type1: Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts
- stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
- sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of ‘skt’ fonts for Sanskrit
- ascii-font: Use the ASCII “font” in LaTeX
- ccicons: LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
- carolmin-t1: Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
- starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font
- wasy-type1: Type 1 versions of wasy fonts
- cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
- tt2001: Type 1 EC fonts generated by TeXtrace
- type1ec: Permit EC, TC and LH fonts at arbitrary sizes
- cryst: Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
- manual: Knuth's "manual" fonts
- knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
- adfsymbols: SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support