Suggestions for enverb
The following packages have something in common with the package enverb. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- sverb: A set of verbatim text manipulations
- fancyvrb: Sophisticated verbatim text
- listings: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
- tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
- tkzexample: Package for the documentation of all tkz-* packages
- ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
- tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
- cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
- latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
- examplep: Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX
- showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code
- mdwtools: Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding
- url: Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
- phfquotetext: Quote verbatim text without white space formatting
- cprotect: Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments
- gmverb: A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb
- spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output
- upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
- verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX
- moreverb: Extended verbatim
- verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text
- xurl: Allow URL breaks at any alphanumerical character
- newverbs: Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
- fvextra: Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
- forloop: Iteration in LaTeX
- cdcmd: Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- lambdax: Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
- arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them)
- conv-xkv: Create new key-value syntax
- fetchcls: Fetch the current class name