Suggestions for enparen
The following packages have something in common with the package enparen. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- phfparen: Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
- interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
- dynbrackets: Commands to simplify the syntax of dynamic math brackets
- perfectcut: Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
- ibrackets: Intelligent brackets
- embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
- stampinclude: Inclusion based on .aux file date stamps
- aliascnt: Alias counters
- longmath: Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines
- oberdiek: A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
- eolgrab: Catch arguments delimited by end of line
- fibnum: Generate Fibonacci numbers
- flags: Setting and clearing of flags in bit fields
- hyphsubst: Substitute hyphenation patterns
- protecteddef: Define protected commands
- rotchiffre: Perform simple rotation cyphers
- scrindex: Make index package work with Koma-script classes
- setouterhbox: Set hbox in outer horizontal mode
- thepdfnumber: Print PDF numbers with minimal digits
- chemarr: Arrows for chemists
- centernot: Centred \not command
- dvipscol: Alter the usage of the dvips colour stack
- engord: Converts numbers to English ordinal numbers
- hypbmsec: Hypertext bookmarks in sectioning commands
- ifdraft: Detect “draft” and “final” class options
- pdfcrypt: Allows the setting of pdf encryption
- resizegather: Automatically resize overly large equations
- stackrel: Enhancement to the \stackrel command
- settobox: Assigning dimensions of a box to a length register
- tabularkv: Tabular environments with key-value interface
- twoopt: Definitions with two optional arguments