Suggestions for DB_process
The following packages have something in common with the package DB_process. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- tokenizer: A tokenizer
- cdlabeler: Take user text and typeset it to fit a CD label
- eijkhout: Victor Eijkhout's packages
- csvtolatex: Link spread sheets to LaTeX
- datatooltk: A Java GUI for preparing datatool input
- csvtools: Reading data from CSV files
- csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing
- repeat: Repeat execution of macros
- datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data
- db: Process simple databases inside LaTeX
- coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
- bitset: Handle bit-vector datatype
- readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data
- jsonparse: Parse, store and access JSON data in LaTeX documents
- latex2pydata: Write data to file in Python literal format
- csvmerge: Merge TeX code with csv data
- dataref: Manage references to experimental data
- commalists-tools: Manipulate numeral comma separated lists
- unicode-data: Unicode data and loaders for TeX
- etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers
- loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX
- invoice-class: Produces a standard US invoice from a CSV file
- context-handlecsv: Data merging for automatic document creation
- latable: A near-WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX tables
- bitelist: Split list, in TeX’s mouth
- mirr: PostScript mirror header (for dvips)
- pdf-trans: A set of macros for various transformations of TeX boxes
- rotate-textures: Box rotation macros for Textures
- tex-ps: TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
- listofitems: Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
- csv2latex: Convert spreadsheet table cells into LaTeX source