Suggestions for cachepic
The following packages have something in common with the package cachepic. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- pawpict: Using graphics from PAW
- tsemlines: Support for the ancient \emline macro
- epsincl: Include EPS in METAPOST figures
- exteps: Include EPS figures in METAPOST
- mpstoeps: A convertor from METAPOST output to Encapsulated PostScript
- ghostscript: Freely available PostScript interpreter
- mif2xfig: Conversion between Frame Maker and Xfig
- bmeps: Converter from PNG/JPEG/Tgb81AIFF/NetPBM to EPS
- bmpp: Convert bitmap files to PS/EPS/PDF
- fig2lat: Convert .fig files to vector graphics
- bit2spr: Convert bitmaps to "sprites"
- addtex2eps: Use LaTeX syntax on EPS figures, within Mathematica
- bm2font: Convert bitmaps to PK fonts
- tpx: A drawing tool for Windows
- degrade: Degrade JPEG images on the fly, prior to inclusion
- gapfill: Generate LaTeX picture environments from PostScript output of drawing programs
- mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX
- mactotex: Convert "Macintosh PostScript" for use with TeX
- tktexcad: Generate LaTeX picture environments
- tpic2pdftex: Use tpic commands in pdfTeX
- jpicedt: A graphical editor generating LaTeX commands
- a2ping: Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
- flowframtk: Vector graphics application with support for flowfram.sty
- prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
- sam2p: Convert bitmap formats to compact PS/PDF
- texcad32: Win32 drawing package for mathematical diagrams
- threedldf: Three-dimensional drawing with METAPOST output
- pst-eps: Create EPS files from PSTricks figures
- bbfig: Calculate and print bounding box
- hp2xx: HP GL converter
- pstoedit: Translate PostScript and PDF to other formats