Suggestions for bibtex
The following packages have something in common with the package bibtex. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- biber: A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX
- biber-ms: A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- bibtexu: An adaptation of BibTeX 0.99 that supports Unicode via ICU
- pbibtex-base: Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
- ltb2bib: Converts amsrefs' .ltb bibliographical databases to BibTeX format
- bibtex8: A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99
- biblio: A collection of bibliographies
- refer-tools: Convert between refer format and BibTeX format
- dinat: Bibliography style for German texts
- bibclean: A BibTeX prettyprinter, verifier, etc
- bible: A BibTeX library editor
- astron: BibTeX style for astronomical journals
- ams2bib: Convert AMS-TeX style bibliography entries to BibTeX
- alphabib: Add alphabetical headers into citations
- annotate: A bibliography style with annotations
- ietfbibs: Generate BibTeX entries for various IETF index files
- automatica: A harvard-family BibTeX style
- alphanumb: A modification of alpha.bst
- annotation: A BibTeX style that processes annotations
- bibextract: Utilities to extract BibTeX data
- bibview-x: A visual manager for BibTeX files
- mla: MLA BibTeX styles
- besjournals-bst: Bibliographies suitable for British Ecological Society journals
- btool: Perl library for parsing and processing BibTeX files
- bidstobibtex: Convert BIDS returns to BibTeX
- bibview: View BibTeX files
- bestpapers: A BibTeX package to produce lists of authors’ best papers
- alphanum-bst: Modified alpha BibTeX style
- bibfind: Prints entries in your bib file that match search string
- bibweb: Automatically retrieve bibliography from MathSciNet
- bib2dvi: Generate a DVI file from a Bibliography file