Suggestions for amsproc
The following packages have something in common with the package amsproc. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- amscls: AMS document classes for LaTeX
- amsart: LaTeX document class for AMS math journal articles
- amsbook: LaTeX document class for AMS books
- amsthm: Typesetting theorems (AMS style)
- amsmidx: Support for multiple indexes in AMS Classes
- upref: Ensure references are upright
- proc: Class for producing “proceedings”
- mucproc: Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference
- ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE
- acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings
- ifacmtg: Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings
- iagproc: Class for two column IAG Proceedings articles
- ieeeconf: Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
- dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
- amslatex: Mathematical enhancements for LaTeX
- amsopn: Typeset mathematical operator names
- amstext: Typeset text fragments in mathematics
- latex-amsmath: AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
- amsmath: AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
- active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers
- amsbsy: Produce bold math symbols (AMS-LaTeX)
- bm: Access bold symbols in maths mode
- theorem: Manipulate theorem environments
- confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings
- latex-amsmath-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
- prtec: A template for PRTEC conference papers
- asmeconf: A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
- designcon: Develop DesignCon papers
- imac: International Modal Analysis Conference format
- iscram: A LaTeX class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences
- jacow: A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on