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Announcements for QCM

QCM – A class for making multiple choice questionnaires

QCM is a package for making multiple choices questionnaires under (“QCM” is the French acronym for this style of test). A special environment allows you to define questions and possible answers. You can specify which answers are correct and which are not. QCM not only formats the questions for you, but also generates a ‘form’ (a grid that your students will have to fill in), and a ‘mask’ (the same grid, only with correct answers properly checked in). You can then print the mask on a slide and correct the questionnaires more easily by superimposing the mask on top of students' forms. QCM can also typeset exam corrections automatically, and comes with support for AUC-.

Copyright2004 Didier Verna
MaintainerDidier Verna

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