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Announcements for pgf-spectra

pgf-spectra – Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ

The purpose of this package is to draw the spectrum of elements in a simple way. It relies on PGF/TikZ to draw the desired spectrum, continuous or discrete.

Data for the spectra of 98 elements and their ions are available (from the NASA database and from NIST). Lines data ranges from Extreme UV to Near IR (from 10 to 4000 nanometers).

It also allows the user to draw spectra using their own data.

It is possible to redshift the lines of a spectrum, by directly entering the redshift value or the velocity and the angle to compute the redshift value.

Spectral lines data can be presented in a table or exported to a file.

The package also provides color conversion (correlated color temperature), shadings for use with TikZ and/or pgfplots and color maps for use with pgfplots.

Version3.0.1a 2024-07-07
MaintainerHugo Gomes

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