CTAN update: tabularray
- Add full support for long tables with longtblr environment - Add templates for caption and continuation text and table footnotes - Add templates firsthead, middlehead, lasthead, firstfoot, middlefoot, lastfoot (#12) - Add \DefTblrTemplate, \SetTblrTemplate, \UseTblrTemplate and \ExpTblrTemplate - Add \SetTblrStyle for setting color, font, alignment, parindent and hangindent - Add \NewTblrTheme command for defining new themes for long tables - Replace \SetTblrDefault with \SetTblrInner for setting inner specifications - Add \SetTblrOuter command for setting outer specifications - Add \NewTblrEnviron command for defining new tblr environments - Add \UseTblrLibrary command and booktabs, diagbox, siunitx libraries - Provide \leftsep, \rightsep, \abovesep and \belowsep for cell text - Add options for distributing span sizes evenly to columns or rows (#3) - Keep row height and column widths even if all cells in them are spanned (#15) - Fix font option for multiline cells (#17) - Add preto/appto/cmd options for cells/rows/columns (#18) - Fix problem with \relax after \\ or \hline (#20) - Update the manual and add three chapters
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tabularray
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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tabularray – Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
LaTeX tables are implemented using TeX commands such as \halign, \noalign, \span, and \omit. In order to implement new features, many macro packages have modified the inner table commands inside LaTeX. This makes package code complicated, difficult to maintain, and often conflicts with each other.
At present, the LaTeX3 programming layer is basically mature. This tabularray package will discard the old \halign commands and directly use LaTeX3 functions to parse the table, and then typeset the entire table. Under the premise of being compatible with the basic syntax of LaTeX2 tables, this macro package will completely separate the content and style of the table, and the style of the table can be completely set in keyval way.
Package | tabularray |
Version | 2024A 2024-02-16 |
Copyright | 2021–2024 Jianrui Lyu |
Maintainer | Jianrui Lyu |